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Per effettuare una ricerca mirata nella banca dati di Mobil-service avete a disposizione 3 funzioni: ricerca per parole chiave, maschera di ricerca semplice (pittogrammi) e filtri per la ricerca avanzata (vedi sotto).

In quali contenuti cercare?
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Call for ideas
Call for mobility transformation project ideas (en)

Tag/parole chiave assegnate

  • Pendolare
  • A piedi
  • Bicicletta
  • Acquisti
  • Aziende
  • Lavoro

The New Mobility Innovation Booster is an innovation ecosystem consisting of partner of academia, industry, and politics. Its goal is to develop systemic mobility solutions in Switzerland to implement mobility aspects of the 2050 Climate Strategy and the Energy Transition more quickly. By identifying and supporting pilot projects to reduce CO2 emissions, the IB accelerates the transition to sustainable mobility. The IB facilitates the development of innovative products through funding & methods and brings stakeholders together to jointly develop innovative solutions with an open innovation approach.

In order to enable and accelerate innovation, the IB matches a project idea with appropriate experts and partners and supports you financially with CHF 25'000 per project if the jury is convinced.


New Mobility Innovation Booster

Più info


Data e luogo

  • 16.04.2024, New Mobility Lab Pitch&Enrich I: Rotkreuz (CH)
  • 16.05.2024, New Mobility Lab Pitch&Fund I: Online (CH)
  • 03.09.2024, Co-Creation Workshop I: Rotkreuz (CH)